Frameworks Prototype



You are the Thinker who would become Modeller. You will be constructing a ‘simple graphical model of ‘Thinking’.

Upon engaging with the 'Frameworks' tool you are presented with a version of the ‘Frameworks’ Meta Model depicting the first two nodes of the core spinal model. These are:

The Focus and the Context must be named before you are able to continue elaborating the model by adding any additional nodes.

Once the Focus and Context have been named, new nodes can be added by either clicking on the workspace or selecting the elaborate button. New nodes will become children of whichever node is selected as active (indicated by the red circle).

Nodes can be selected as active by clicking on the circle. Clicking on the Text Label will follow the Link HREF of the Node.

When a node is active, clicking on it again will open the dialog to allow you to edit the node.

Nodes can also be moved by clicking and dragging on the circle.

The elaboration allowed is determined by the user level assigned to the model as below. The user level can be changed by clicking on the New Model Button and changing the user level.

User Levels

User Level Maximum Levels Maximum Children/Level Total Nodes
Novice 3 3 14
Intermediate 4 5 157
Advanced 5 7 2802

Model Management

There are menu buttons to allow:

Zooming and Panning

There are zooming and panning controls for moving around larger models. These buttons are located under the model management buttons.

Button Action
+ Zoom in
= Reset Zoom
- Zoom Out
Pan Up
Pan Down
Pan Left
Pan Right
0 Reset Pan to 0,0
F Reset Pan to Focus
A Reset Pan to Active

Object Model

The ‘Frameworks’ Tool: “The Intelligent Frame” is object-oriented consisting of:


The Frame object manages the rendering and interactivity of the model within the SVG image on the HTML page. The frame is responsible for enforcing the constraints of the metamodel within the scope of the users'* expertise level. This includes:

Note: * - ”The “User” in ‘Frameworks’ is the “Thinker Modeller”

Methods are included for:


The Node object contains the information related to each node in the model including:

The Node also contains methods to allow the node to be rendered and interacted with via the SVG representation within the frame. These methods include:

Nodes can also be protected by the metamodel to prevent certain nodes from being deleted or moved (e.g. Focus and Context Nodes).

The line object provides methods for drawing and manipulating the lines connecting nodes in the SVG image within the frame. These include